To help you keep up to date, follow this packing calendar as moving day approaches. A question we often hear is: When should I start packing before moving day? The answer is always the same: as soon as possible. When is it too soon or too late to start packing? In general, most moving advice suggests that the average home should start packing a month or two before the moving date. These packing tips organize the packaging schedule into one-week phases.
As a professional in the moving industry, participating in hundreds of moves, I can tell you that the most important part of the moving process is how you prepare and when you start. Dave Sayce is the owner and CEO of Compare My Move and has more than 10 years of experience in the moving industry. These packing tips aren't hard and fast rules, but are based on the experiences of many homeowners with successful moves. As a guest author on many property websites, Martha now researches and writes articles on everything related to moving, from remortgages to transfer costs.
How do I pack for your move? When packing for your move, you must first decide what you are going to move.